Serving Tulare & Kings Counties for more than 20 years
LIC # 586163
Hancock A/C & Heating
How do I keep the fan from constantly running on my unit?
How often should I replace my filter?
Sometimes homeowners accidentally turn the fan switch to "ON" versus "AUTO" on the thermostat which will cause the fan to run continuously. The the switch to "AUTO" and the fan should stop running constantly.
What is SEER?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The size of an air conditioner is rated in BTU or Tons, however the effiency is rated in SEER. This ratio is calculated as cooling output divided by the power input for the average U.S. climate. 13 SEER is the minimum efficiency standard allowed by law.
How long does a typical furnace & air conditioner last?
On average, a furnace or air conditioner will last 10-20 years. Sometimes it pays to replace the old system sooner because of higher efficiency (lower gas and electric bills) provided by new equipment. Life expectancies vary greatly and several major factors influence life expectancy. Maintenance is a MUST to maximize efficiency and protect your investment.
What is the difference between split system and a packaged unit?
There are some very important things that you should do to extend the life of your air conditioner and keep it working at peak efficiency at all times. One of the most important things that you should do to extend the life of you air conditioner and keep it working at peak efficiency at all times is change your filter (air conditioner or furnace) every month. If you are using a pleated filter, then you should replace every 3 to 6 months.
Why do I need a duct test?
According to the California Energy Commission Title 24, duct testing is required when any of the following components are replaced: air handler, furnace, outdoor/condensing unit, heating or cooling coil, furnace heat exchanger, or package units. To find this information under the California Energy Commission website, please visit: http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/.
Hancock A/C & Heating hires a third party HERS Rater to test the ducts for air leakage. CF4R form and CF6R forms are reported to the state. The required duct testing process is similar to that of getting your car smog. However, you only have to get a duct testing performed one time per unit.
A centeral air conditioner (or heat pump) is either a split system unit or a packaged unit.
A Split system has 3 components:
1. An outdoor metal cabinet that contains the condenser and compressor.
2. An indoor cabinet that contains the evaporator coil.
3. An air handler, that in most cases is part of the furnace or heat pump, that sends the cool air through the duct system.
A packaged centeral air conditioner has the evaporator coil, condensor, and compressor all located in one cabinet, which usually is placed on a roof or on a concrete slab next to the houses foundation.